Martijn van Exel

Hello and welcome to!

I am Martijn van Exel, a freelance geospatial consultant and occasional developer with 20+ years in the industry in engineering, management and product roles. I've helped some of the largest technology companies in the world understand and implement geospatial data and technology. I'm here to help you! Drop me a line on LinkedIn or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you!

Here are some of the talks I've given, photos, my blog, and my latest OSM changesets.

If you're in the Salt Lake City area, consider joining our monthly OpenStreetMap Map Nights! Check OpenStreetMap Utah for information on the next Map Night.

I took the photo you see on this page. I've been an amateur photographer since I was 15 years old. Someday, I will make an attempt to curate the 1000s of slides and digital photos in my archive and make something resembling a portfolio page.

Here's how to pronounce my name. Why is "van" lower case?